Device Comm Error (DCE)

    Also Applies to X4 and Livewire TS(+) Devices

    This error happens when the internal memory isn’t reading or when the device firmware or tune revision is missing. 

    If you are currently experiencing Device Comm Error, please take the device to a Windows OS Computer. 

    -Open the Device Updater

    -Plug your device into the PC

    -Select Display "Device Settings and Serial Number"

    -You will see a message saying, "Clearing DCE", once that message disappears the Device Comm Error should be resolved and you are able to unplug your device from the PC. 

    *If you continue to see the Device Comm Error we will need to troubleshoot this live. Please give us a call with your device, the vehicle, and access to a Windows PC to further troubleshoot with one of our Technical Support Agents.  

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